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Comunicação e Democracia em Debate: universitários do Brasil e da Alemanha desenvolvem exposição, podcasts e artigos


A discriminação na sociedade e na mídia brasileira é o tema do podcast “Diversidade no Brasil”. Para tratar deste tema e abordar questões históricas e contextuais do Brasil, como o racismo ainda vigente no país, Rebecca Küsters e Chantal Beil entrevistaram Liziane Guazina, docente da Universidade de Brasília e professora visitante da Universidade de Milão, que analisa como a desigualdade afeta a mídia no Brasil e comenta a situação em países da Europa.


Todos os conteúdos acima foram realizados na disciplina “Mídia e Democracia no Brasil”, sob responsabilidade dos professores Fernando Oliveira Paulino, da Universidade de Brasília, e Susanne Fengler, no Erich Brost Institute of International Journalism da TU Dortmund.




Communication and Democracy in Debate: students and lecturers from Brazil and Germany develop an exhibition, podcasts and articles


Discrimination in society and in the Brazilian media is the theme of the “Diversity in Brazil” podcast. To analyse this topic and address historical and contextual issues in Brazil, such as racism still prevalent in the country, Rebecca Küsters and Chantal Beil interviewed Liziane Guazina, a professor at the University of Brasilia and a visiting professor at the University of Milan, who analyzes how inequality affects media in Brazil and comments on the situation in European countries.


All of the above contents were made in the discipline “Media and Democracy in Brazil”, under the responsibility of the professors Fernando Oliveira Paulino, from the University of Brasília, and Susanne Fengler, at the Erich Brost Institute of International Journalism at TU Dortmund.




Kommunikation und Demokratie in der Debatte: Studierende und Dozierende aus Brasilien und Deutschland entwickeln eine Ausstellung, Podcasts und Artikel 


Diskriminierung in der Gesellschaft und in den brasilianischen Medien ist das Thema des Podcasts, Vielfalt in Brasilien“. Rebecca Küsters und Chantal Beil interviewten Liziane Guazina. Sie ist Professorin an der Universität von Brasilia und eine Gastprofessorin an der Universität von Mailand. Sie analysiert, wie historische und kontextbezogene Probleme, Ungleichheit und vorherrschenden Rassismus sich in den brasilianischen Medien spiegelt. Außerdem geht es in dem Podcast auch darum, wie sich diese Probleme auf die europäischen Ländern auswirkt.